Amaryllis: 4 tips for optimal care

The high season of one of the finest and most festive flowers is finally beginning again: The amaryllis fits perfectly into the Christmas season. What other cut flower is so impressive with the Size of their flowers, but it is still the case tender?

Care tips for amaryllis for an extra long shelf life
Amaryllis care tips

Basically, it is completely sufficient to take into account the general tips on caring for cut flowers, i.e. to use a clean vase and freshness-retaining agent, freshly cut the stem and find a cool, windless location. In addition, amaryllis have some particularitiesthat must be observed in care. We have summarized the most important tips and tricks for you:

1. Use a staff or tall vase for stabilization

A special feature of the amaryllis is that you Stem hollow is. This makes it particularly sensitive to pressure, so it must never be squeezed when unpacking or cutting. In addition, the flower gains weight as soon as it opens. It can happen (especially when using a very short vase) that the stem breaks under the weight of the flower.

This can be prevented very easily: plug one small stick or straight branch into the hollow stem. Alternatively, we recommend the Using a tall vaseso that the amaryllis has a lateral support.

Amaryllis care tips Wooden stick for stabilization
Wooden stick is pushed into the amaryllis stem

2. Cover the interface with tape

The lower end of the amaryllis stem rolls up slightly when it absorbs water. This can be annoying in a transparent glass vase. To that To prevent curling up, a simple one is enough Strips of duct tapethat is wrapped around the lower end of the stem.

Trim the amaryllis with a sharp knife
Amaryllis stem end is covered with adhesive tape

3. Place the stem 10 to 15 cm deep in water

The amaryllis absorbs water inside its stem. To a optimal water absorption To make it possible, the amaryllis should be placed a good 10 to 15 cm deep in water.

4. Remove the sepals

To protect the bud, the amaryllis plant develops sepals, which protect the flowers from external influences. As soon as the flower opens, it loses its function and dies. The sepals then hang down brownish. If you find this annoying, you can gently rub the leaves with one sharp knife remove. However, this has no effect on the durability of the flower, it is only an aesthetic measure.

White amaryllis in a tall vase
White amaryllis care tips for a longer shelf life

With these really simple tips, your amaryllis will last a long time and you can enjoy their beauty and diversity.

I wish you a nice Advent season!

The post Amaryllis: 4 tips for optimal care first appeared on Blumigo.






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