How do you recognize a good wedding service provider?

How do you recognize a good wedding service provider?

Now the time has come, the date and the location for your wedding have been set, you already have the first ideas on how you imagine everything and now it’s on the search and selection of wedding service providers. the Wedding planner Asja Ohr from “I wed you & More” shows you what you do should pay attention to the selection:

  1. Professional appearance
  2. Accessibility & communication
  3. Experience & flexibility
  4. Contract & conditions

Good wedding service providers are the basis for a successful wedding celebrationbecause each of them is responsible for an important part of your wedding. That Catering takes care of that physical well-being of your guests, the photographer keeps all important and emotional moments for eternity fixed that DJ bears much of the responsibility for how well that Mood and desire to dance is and the Florist puts your concept ideas in wonderful flower arrangements and is responsible for ensuring that these are set up on time.

A Wedding planners can help you a lot in choosing the service provider and simplify the search and choice for you. But here too you first have to find the right wedding planner. Since you work very long and intensively with your planner, it is really important that the chemistry between you is right and you feel comfortable with him. Otherwise, the same rules apply to identify a professional planner Selection criteria as for all other wedding service providers:

1. Professional appearance

If you don’t have the mega insider tip from really good friends, which you could best experience live at their wedding and which has absolutely convinced you, then pays very close attention to a professional service provider. This includes primarily every type of Online presence, such as Instagram, Facebook, a website with a current portfolio and reviews from former customers. Ideally, all of the service providers that you have shortlisted have all of it. Of course, this also includes a shop, should the service provider have one. Is it appealing and tidy and does the service provider have one professional and contemporary equipment (especially important for photographers and DJs). In addition to these external characteristics, you should also pay attention to how the service provider deals with you. Is he attentivehe asks specifically about your ideas and wishes, he shows interest of your ideas and, in case of doubt, does he suggest alternatives if something cannot be implemented? A professional wedding service provider will also help you always advise for his area of ​​expertise and not give unsolicited advice in other areas.

2. Accessibility & communication

At the latest during the actual planning, it becomes incredibly important that the service providers you have chosen respond promptly and reliably. So make sure that too The response does not take weeks from the first contact and your concern is referred to in detail. Even in times of WhatsApp and all sorts of messangers, I think it’s absolutely okay if you are not always online as a service provider, but within 2-3 days to a maximum of one week you should be able to expect an answer, otherwise you will have to expect longer response times during the planning phase, which may slow you down.

Also getting to know each other personallythat you will not necessarily have to deal with all but with some service providers and should give you an indication of whether you are dealing with a professional. How does the service manager approach this conversation? Is there a standardized one Questionnaire, Does he even send you questions in advance so that he can prepare for the interview? Of course, every service provider should respond to you individually and ask about your wishes and ideas, but The better the service provider is prepared for you and leads through the conversation in a structured manner, the more professional it is.

3. Experience & flexibility

Just in In the weddings sector, there are many career changers without specialist training, but initially that does not say anything about the actual experience and specialist knowledge of the respective service provider. Above You can find out quite a bit about reviews on the website, Google, etc. No rating indicates little experience or the deletion of negative ratings. Then let yourself be as far as possible References show and ask, for example, about experiences in relation to your wishes, location, etc.

You can also test the experience based on its flexibility. You should question a service provider that you are unsure about and who promises you everything. Basically, your individual wishes should come first for a professional service provider – so that you can tell your own story and your wedding will be unique for you, but Experience also means that the service provider knows his limits (personal or technical) on the one hand and on the other hand you too indicates stumbling blocks and is not ready to implement some wishes because he knows that this cannot be done to your satisfaction. In such a case, however, you can expect alternative suggestions from him.

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4. Contract & Conditions

If possible, please only book wedding service managers who are included Fix all agreements made in writing. One A written record by e-mail may be sufficient in an emergency, but one is better written contract. All professional service providers usually have ready-made contracts in which the important points such as deployment time, failure and replacement should be. You can also recognize a professional wedding service provider by the fact that they always open to you indicates hidden costs, such as travel costs, technology, night surcharge or the like. Of the honest dealings Each other is always in the foreground and should be a prerequisite for cooperation. In addition, he would never talk you into one of his products or services. If you are still undecided, take the contract home with you and sleep on it for a night or two. A seasoned wedding service provider will never contradict this, it is important to him that you are happy with your decision.

Along with all of these factors, you should but ultimately always listen to your gut instinct and choose the service provider you are drawn to. A little note about regionality. Always think carefully about whether it’s really that Star service provider must be from far away, or whether there isn’t someone similar in your area. Apart from the lower costs, he usually knows your location or even other of your service providers. This makes the organization easier for you and you may get valuable tips, e.g. for the perfect spot for your wedding portraits.

If you need more tips on wedding planning, please download our free e-book on wedding planning! ?






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