10 tips for a happy marriage: this is how eternal love works

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It really does exist: eternal and true love. Fortunately, you have to and can do something about that. Love changes naturally over long periods of time, professional and family challenges. But just because the butterflies in your stomach disappear over the years doesn’t mean the end of a marriage. On the contrary: With our 10 tips for a happy marriage, the chances are good that your love will last a lifetime.

1. Will

You really have to want to keep your love alive. It is unlikely that there will be a marriage in which disagreements do not sometimes arise and in which everything goes smoothly. And that’s completely normal and okay. If you know each other well, you know where there are corner points and points of friction and you can try to avoid them. In addition, no one can and should completely change for another. Let each other be who you are.

2. Appreciation

Keep reminding yourself what you have in the other. Also tell each other what you appreciate about each other, what he or she does to make you happy and what you are grateful for every day. In this way you avoid taking the other person or what he is doing for you for granted. Love is easy with gratitude – a particularly precious one of 10 tips for a happy marriage.

3. Memories

All the crazy or everyday things that you did as a young couple in love were at some point many years ago. Why not bring these memories back to life? You can spend a vacation on the occasion of your 20th wedding anniversary where you once celebrated your honeymoon. Or sit and cuddle by the lake with a bottle of wine on a mild summer night – just like on your 1st date.

10 tips for a happy marriage - marriage proposal

4. Attentions

A happy marriage is not about overwhelming each other with expensive gifts on a few occasions. It is much more important to show the other person your affection and care in everyday life with small gestures and attentions. For example, bring a bouquet of flowers for her from time to time or leave a small message of love for him on the fridge. One of them can also pick up the other after work and take them to dinner.

5. Willingness to help

In a marriage everyone has their own household chores too. And we all know it when there is hardly any time for anything else during a stressful work week. So it’s nice when, for a change, the spouse steps in and goes shopping, pulls out the vacuum cleaner or prepares dinner.

10 tips for a happy marriage - happy couple

6. Shared moments

While you are completely occupied with managing your full-time job and / or raising your children, you spend a lot of time next to each other, but in truth not really with each other. Therefore, regularly take some time to consciously concentrate on one another, to listen actively to each other and to tell what is on your mind. This is a very valuable tip for a happy marriage because you are seen and perceived by the other.

7. New experiences

Even if it is not so easy to realize in everyday life, we always try to experience, discover and do something new together. Shared memories weld together and also keep love fresh.

10 tips for a happy marriage - happy couple

8. Respect individual interests

No married couple will just have the same interests. That is a good thing. Everyone can and should do something for themselves or with friends. The other should also grant him this freedom and respect it. But also try to be a little interested in the other person’s passion and let them tell you about it.

9. Don’t argue about little things

Never let yourself argue about trivial matters that are actually irrelevant. It doesn’t matter who changed diapers in the last 5 times if the other took on other tasks instead. Of course, the open tube of toothpaste can be annoying in the long run. But is it really worth arguing about? If your partner is a bit lost in thought, then that is not meant by them and they will not be able to change that either. Everyone has their own little mistakes. These make us unique. Try to see each other’s little quirks from a loving perspective.

And one more thing: never fall apart or go to sleep in an argument, make up beforehand.

10. Support with goals

No matter whether man or woman, everyone has certain goals and wishes for their life. What could be more wonderful than when partners support each other? This overarching common goal of being there for one another, no matter what, is crucial for your love to last a lifetime.

… and then, in 50 years for your golden wedding, you will renew your vows in a romantic ceremony – just like Margarete and Otto.

Renew your vows - the newlyweds move in

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