Peonies in the vase and how to extend their shelf life

With the warm weather come the most beautiful months in the garden. In May and June everything blooms and smells outside and every garden lover is happy about the natural beauty in his outdoor area. Nature surprises us every year with beautiful colors and shapes of garden flowers. For example, the purple lilac flowers are a treat for the eyes and their gentle fragrance brings more romance to our everyday life. At the end of May and beginning of June, many hobby gardeners are impatiently awaiting the new flowering period for the peonies. These beautiful garden flowers attract attention with their unique blooms. They show us their delicate flower colors, which range from white to pink to fiery red. But these are not only real eye-catchers in the garden! The magnificent flowers also look good indoors at home, if they are pruned and cared for properly. What are the requirements of the peonies in the vase, we want to explain in the following.

Peonies in a vase bring a lot of natural charm to your four walls!

Peonies in a vase white flowers short stems in a rounded glass vase a lot of natural charm

Peonies are real divas among garden plants

If you think peonies are related to the queen of plants, the rose, then you are wrong. They are a separate genus with the scientific name Paeonia. The beautiful perennials are also called peonies in our country. They are named after the Greek doctor of the gods, Paian, who healed wounds with the blossoms of the garden flower. A total of 32 species are known today, as well as numerous breeds, most of which come from Europe and Asia. In the southern regions of Europe, more precisely in the Mediterranean region, the so-called farmer’s peony is most widespread. There it adorns almost every garden. According to the language of flowers, the peony carries positive symbolism. Not only in Europe, but also in the Far East, the flower stands for wealth, female beauty and love.

In the garden, peonies grow as a perennial shrub, but only have a short flowering period.

Peonies in a vase pink peonies in the garden a perennial shrub short flowering once a year in June

According to many florists, peony flowers are more beautiful, larger and even more expensive per piece than those of roses. Not only shape and size play a role here. The numerous colors of the flowers are decisive for the noble character of the garden flowers – one more attractive than the other! One can find the peonies in the most different shades, just not in blue. However, peonies have a short flowering period, usually from early June until just after Pentecost. At the end of June/beginning of July, the beauties of the garden fade away.

The peonies bloom for a short time, from the beginning of June to Whitsun, and only once a year.

Peonies in the vase pink flowers slightly wilted little water short flowering period in the garden

The peonies can be tied together to form an eye-catching bouquet.

Peonies in a vase pink peonies tied together in a beautiful bouquet of flowers

Peonies in the vase can be easily combined with other flowers and stand out in any room.

 Peonies in the vase combine well with other flowers such as ranunculus freesia green leaves

To reassure flower lovers, it must be said that various varieties of peonies can be found in flower shops almost all year round. It can be used to tie wonderful bouquets. The peonies combine wonderfully with other flowers, such as freesias, gerberas, tulips and ranunculus. Of course, this applies to the peonies in the vase. With a little imagination and creative thinking one can achieve gorgeous flower arrangements at home. Peonies are also very popular in bridal bouquets, because they carry a romantic flair and enhance the charm of the celebration.

Such floral arrangements are entirely up to your imagination!

Peonies in the vase two vessels great arrangements with other flowers and green plants

One more beautiful than the other!

Peonies in a vase, three vessels in the same style, each with a flower in it, beautiful arrangement


When and how to cut peonies for the vase?

The peony is a real beauty in the garden, but transforms into a sophisticated diva in the vase. So that you can also admire the splendor of their flowers at home, you have to consider a few things before cutting the flower stalks.

  • Young peony bushes should not be cut off. Choose shrubs that are three to four years old and cut off a few stems for the vase.
  • Since these flowers only have a short flowering period, you can only cut off two to three stems, a maximum of one third of the shoots. Leave the other shoots on the bush, because the peony needs its leaves to feed.

Bring this beauty from the garden into your home!

peonies in vase peonies in glass white hydrangea next to it beautiful floral arrangement natural beauty at home

  • The window of opportunity for cutting flower stalks is very specific. When the buds are soft to the touch and the flower color can already be seen, then this is the right moment. If the buds are still closed and green, it is better to leave them on the bush. It’s too early to cut these off, because the peonies in the vase wouldn’t open at all.
  • Choose sturdy stems with dark green leaves for the vase.
  • When cutting, also make sure that the flowers are not infested with ants or a disease. Because that happens often. Sick peonies in a vase are not a pretty sight.

extra tip: You can cut the peonies not only for arrangements in the vase, but also for other reasons. For example, if you want to prevent seed formation or want to dry the petals. Incidentally, the colorful petals are edible and are also used for tea, syrup or liqueur.

Peony petals are edible!

Peonies in vase pink flowers edible can be dried for tea syrup

How to care for the peonies in the vase to extend their shelf life?

For the vase, cut the stems as long as possible, eg about 20 cm long. These cut a fine figure in a tall, elegant vase, but do not go well in flat vases. Also, if the stems are cut short, there is a risk that the buds will not open at all at home. Remove the lower leaves. However, leave three to four dark green leaves on the stem, because the photosynthesis of the peonies in the vase must continue to function. We list briefly what else needs to be considered when cutting and caring for the flowers for the vase:

  • You must cut the stems diagonally and cleanly, as these are delicate. To do this, take a sharp knife or scissors. The cut surface should be as large as possible so that the peonies in the vase can absorb enough water.

The trick is: cut long stems at an angle!

Peonies in a vase long obliquely cut stems cream colored flowers

  • To extend the life of the peonies in the vase, you have to put the cut flower stalks in lukewarm water. They feel comfortable there and the flowers soon unfold their natural splendor.
  • The stems have to be shortened by a few centimeters every two days with a sharp knife.
  • Peonies in the vase are very thirsty, so you need to add water and check the water level every day. It is recommended to change vase water every other day. This avoids bacterial growth! You can squirt a few drops of lemon juice into the water! This trick makes the peonies more durable and you can admire their blooms in the vase for up to 10 days!
  • Avoid drafts! Put the vase with the beautiful flowers in a cool, bright place, but not exposed to drafts! Garden beauties feel most comfortable there!

Peonies in a vase do not like drafts!

Peonies in a vase combined with other flowers in the bright cool place at home without drafts

The water level must be checked every other day

Peonies in the vase White and pink flowers in the glass jar Check the water level every other day


Hopefully the care tips for peonies in the vase outlined above will be of use to you. Follow these and enjoy the natural beauty of peonies in your own four walls!

You can admire this unique bloom at home for days!

Peonies in the vase tall glass jar pink peonies on the coffee table real eye-catcher in the room

You can also arrange the flowers in this way.

Peonies in a vase Peony blossoms arranged with other plants on a tray

The best decoration for your garden party!

Peonies in a vase pink flowers in a glass jar on a wooden table in the garden beautiful ornament for garden party






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