10 bride beauty tips that you should follow

10 beauty tips for the bride_ cover picture

The desire to be a radiantly beautiful bride is absolutely understandable: On the one hand, your own wedding is something very special and, on the other hand, all eyes are actually on you on this day. For a dazzling glow, however, layering makeup is the completely wrong way to go. We have put together a valuable beauty program for you for the weeks and months before the wedding. With these 10 beauty tips for the bride you will get beautiful, pure and radiant skin. The bridal make-up is then just the icing on the cake.

Natural beauty elixir: the happiness hormones

There is no question that cosmetic products support your appearance as a bride. But more importantly, that you shine from within. When you are balanced and happy on your wedding day, your eyes light up by themselves and your complexion shows that enviable freshness that only happiness hormones can produce.

So that this natural beauty elixir can also work, you should not make the preparation timeline too narrow, start organizing early and allow enough time to take a deep breath. Make an appointment in the massage salon, stream the best episodes of your favorite series together or treat yourself to a delicious dinner in the best pub in town. So you can let your wedding day approach you without any hassle.

10 beauty tips for the bride: diet, care and sleep

The actual beauty program for a radiant complexion begins long before the wedding date and starts where you might least expect it: with the approach. It’s not about extra pounds at all, but about an optimized supply of nutrients for your skin.

A bride should change her diet around three months before the wedding

  • less sugar
  • more fresh vegetables
  • at least 2.5 liters of water per day

to take in. This ensures a constant supply of vitamins and plumps up the skin from the inside. In addition, greasy foods and too many sweets can cause blemished skin.

One of the beauty tips for the bride is that you adhere to the following care routine in a disciplined manner. Carefully remove your make-up every evening, cleanse it twice a day and give your skin extra portions of moisture on a regular basis. You can apply creams or serums for this. There are also specially designed capsules that enrich your cells with hyaluronic acid and other vital substances.

Sleep makes an equally important contribution to a radiant appearance. It refreshes the body and stimulates hormone production. This makes the skin more resilient and the complexion more rosy.

No experiments in the weeks leading up to the wedding

Brides should not dare to experiment in the course of wedding preparations. But most brides forget this principle. If you don’t regularly go to the same beauty salon and are always treated by the same specialist, you should refrain from plucking or dyeing your eyebrows shortly before the wedding. The effect of the brow arch is immense – both for better and for worse. If you are not satisfied with your eyebrows, try something new several months before the wedding. Because even with the best wedding make-up, unsightly treated eyebrows can hardly be corrected.

Hair is also an important part of the 10 beauty tips for the bride. In the weeks leading up to the wedding, you should not dye, tint or highlight your hair – especially not yourself and not even with temporary shampoos. Don’t let any fundamentally new hairstyle be missed. Your wedding date is the worst possible reason for a type change – which in the worst case fails or does not bring your personality to its best advantage.

10 beauty tips for the bride - bridal hairstyle
Photo: Alvin Mahmudov via Unsplash

10 beauty tips for the bride: the final glow

In the last 14 days before the wedding, you should make appointments in the hairdressing and beauty salon. Here professionals take care of the appearance of hair and skin. However, you should not plan the treatment too short-term either, so that the result on the wedding day no longer looks too fresh.

If you find yourself too pale and want to give your skin some color, invest in a tanning shower. The result is more even than when using a self-tanner and looks more natural than a solarium tan. Make sure to consider the cut of your wedding dress so that there are no bikini straps on exposed areas such as the back, shoulders or cleavage. Ideally, you should already have experience with tanning to be sure that you will like the result.

An often neglected aspect is foot care before the wedding. Even if you are wearing closed shoes or a floor-length wedding dress, a professional treatment followed by a massage is highly recommended. It affects your overall well-being – and can therefore also provide a certain glow.

Our final beauty tip for you is that a radiant smile is part of a perfect bridal look. You don’t have to have any teeth whitening or extensive dental treatment. But as a bride, you can indulge yourself in the luxury of professional teeth cleaning. Not only does it leave you feeling good, smooth, clean teeth, but it also ensures fresh breath.

Even more beauty tips for the bride

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Cover picture: lubovlisitsa via Pixabay






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