basil location and care basil in a pot

This trick is guaranteed and all hobby gardeners should know it!

Basil is a popular herb that is used to flavor numerous dishes. The heat-loving plant can be grown both outside in the garden and at home in a pot. If you want to get a rich harvest, of course, the right fertilization must be taken into account. Did you know that you can easily fertilize the basil with tea? We provide more information on this in the following guide on the subject.

Fertilize basil with tea? Yes, you can and it is also very beneficial for the basil plant

basil location and care basil in a pot

Which soil is suitable for basil?

The deliciously fragrant basil, also known as kingwort, is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the mint family. It originally comes from the tropical regions of Asia and Africa, where it can still be found as a wild plant. Basil is now cultivated in many countries around the world and is valued as a spice and medicinal plant.

Which soil does basil need?

basil with tea fertilizer in the herb bed

Due to its popularity, the plant is grown in pots and in the vegetable patch in the garden. Basil loves sunny locations and prefers a nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. The pH should be neutral, between 6.0 and 7.5. The soil should be neither too wet nor too dry and to maintain good moisture, place a layer of mulch or pebbles on the soil surface.

Proper watering of the basil is important

fresh basil best earth

For potted basil, you can use standard potting soil or make your own mix.

How do you know that basil needs fertilizer?

One indication that the herb needs support is yellowing of the upper or inner leaves. When this happens, the basil is signaling that it is suffering from some nutrient deficiency. To maximize harvest and pick fresh and flavorful leaves, learn about other important aspects of caring for basil.

Yellow leaves on basil signal that there is a nutrient deficiency

fertilizer for basil in the pot

Can you fertilize basil with tea? Instructions

A vigorous and thriving plant that you use for culinary delights requires an energy boost in the form of regular fertilization. The good news: You can also do this with home remedies, including tea.

Fertilizing basil with tea: This is how it works

fertilize basil with tea

Black and green tea provide the herb with valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can use the tea both as a liquid fertilizer for pouring or as a tea set after use. The tea bags can be worked into the soil around the herb plant.

Tip: Keep in mind that tea is only to be used as a supplement to other fertilizers and will not suffice as the only fertilizer. The fertilization with the main fertilizer takes place regularly every 2 weeks.

Use the main fertilizer regularly, every 2 weeks

fertilize basil

Which types of tea are suitable as fertilizers for basil?

Using tea for plants is an excellent way to hydrate and feed them at the same time. Tea not only provides water and nitrogen, but also a good dose of macro and micronutrients.

Black tea as a liquid fertilizer for plants

black tea as a fertilizer for plants

However, the different types of tea have different advantages for the herb. Basil, parsley and mint benefit best from fertilizing with tea. These are the types of tea that you can use as a liquid fertilizer for basil.

Used tea bags can be worked into the soil

fertilizer for basil

  • nettle: As a leafy green, stinging nettle is rich in nitrogen, chlorophyll and plant polyphenols, all of which promote plant health and stimulate growth. In tea form, nettle has powerful defenses and can help keep pests and diseases at bay.
  • Green tea: In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, green tea also contains polyphenols that are beneficial for plant growth. Due to the tannic acid, the pH of the soil can drop over time, which means higher acidity.
  • Camomile tea: Chamomile tea contains potassium and other nutrients important for basil growth. In addition, it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Black tea: Black tea contains nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as trace elements such as iron, zinc and copper. It has a disinfecting effect and the floor improves its quality.

Which types of tea are good for basil?

tea for basil fertilizer

Fertilize basil with tomato fertilizer?

Not only do tomatoes and basil go well together in salads, but they also have similar nutritional needs. Nothing speaks against using tomato fertilizer for the aromatic herb.

Tomatoes and basil go well together in many ways

tomatoes and basil

Tomato fertilizer is high in potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, all of which are important for promoting basil growth and health. The tomato fertilizer should contain enough calcium. Calcium is essential for the health and vigorous growth of basil.






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