what to do when you have nothing to wear

Nothing to wear despite a full wardrobe? The 20 Euro trick helps immediately

Do you find it difficult to find the balance between quality and quantity in your closet? We have some ideas. As the number 1 hack, however, we remember the 20 euro trick from a professional organizer Emily on TikTok. The woman shares wonderful tips on how to maintain a cool and tidy closet.

How long do you look at your closet to think of a cool outfit?

what to do when you have nothing to wear

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The secret of a top tidying expert: The 20 Euro trick

This girl is a genius! Her video has already been viewed more than 3 million times and she gives us practical advice on our closet clutter problem.

The secret to a nice and tidy room with cool wardrobe options is to get rid of old stuff that you no longer need. Just follow the 20 euro rule. If a part is bought below this price, even if it is on sale, it belongs in the TEXAID box. Everyone has clothes that have been forgotten, worn for a while and are no longer interesting to the owner. Also, fashion is constantly changing. While looking good and trendy one day, the next day wearing the same piece of clothing can feel old-fashioned, right?

Do you find it difficult to part with parts?

i have nothing to wear capsule wardrobe ideas

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So if the item of clothing costs less than 20 euros, you can confidently throw it away. Declutter to feel less stressed and put together simple but pretty outfits. As you know, in the world of fashion, less is more.

If you regret getting rid of some clothes in the future, you can always find something similar at a good price.

Closet full though nothing to wear: The best tricks

According to Healthline, decluttering and tidying up like Marie Kondo is healthy for you. Here are some great tips from us to avoid the overflowing closet problem.

Let go of something to make room for something new

We bet you’ve liked many new pieces in your favorite clothing app and want to shop them for the upcoming fall season. But wait a minute! Have you managed to throw away (or donate, sell and recycle) old stuff?

In this case, it is best that every time you buy a new part, another must go away forever. If you follow this rule, you will never have a problem with clutter at home again. Yes, you can try it in the kitchen too. It may hurt for a moment, but in the end it can save you a lot of money because it’s worth thinking about before making the next impulse purchase.

nothing to wear what to do arrange parts and choose in between

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The Fear of the Unknown: How to Avoid Duplicates?

Many people tend to buy the same type of clothing over and over again. Personally, I know girls who always wear a “uniform” of dark jeans and a white top. Isn’t it a bit boring to always wear the same, similar pieces?

If you’re having trouble finding other comfortable clothes, try similar colors, order tailored items from local seamstresses, or just experiment with something different. This will definitely help you get rid of the deck you are making and avoid the duplicates. The problem “I don’t have anything nice to wear” will then come to an end.

The next time you’re decluttering your closet, be prepared to sort out unworn or just duplicates.

A clear conscience and a tidy wardrobe

nothing to wear men's fashion tips and tricks

© Pexels

The game-changing box

Still unsure and unprepared to part with a good old piece of clothing? Another great trick when decluttering your closet is to put a box at the bottom. In this box you can store things you no longer wear, plus size clothes, smaller sizes and any accessories you want to get rid of. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

In addition: If you haven’t worn something in 2 years, you can either donate it or have a textile party at home to swap clothes with friends.

Mucking out and tidying up: That leads to fun!

outfits when you have nothing to wear classic pieces of clothing

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The best thing about this box is that if you spontaneously miss something, you can take it out of the box and carry it again – before putting it back in the storage box.

This is a super easy way to bring more order into your closet

arranging the closet and maintaining it fall 2023

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Vary your clothing style with the 20 Euro trick

clearing out the overflowing closet tips clever







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