Beetroot juice - What is it healthy for and how to drink it properly!

Beetroot juice – What is it healthy for and how to drink it properly!

Beetroot juice is a miracle cure for health. However, like any product of this type, it must be consumed with caution. With this miracle drink you can completely detoxify your body, but this has certain side effects. First, we would like to enumerate the benefits of consuming beetroot juice. Then we will give you some tips for its preparation. Finally, you will get useful information from us for dosages and combinations that avoid the harmful side effects.

The beetroot is a health bomb

Beetroot juice in the glass, mix the vegetables with the lemon and carrot juice

When is beetroot juice recommended?

Many of us know the beetroot from delicious salads and know that this vegetable is very healthy. However, if you are looking for certain quick health effects, beetroot juice is much more effective. The healthy ingredients can be found there in much larger quantities and concentrations. When cooking, many of these beneficial ingredients are lost. Find out what they actually are!

You can dilute the juice with soda and ice

Health from nature Prepare beetroot juice with celery and dilute with water

The healthy ingredients of beetroot at a glance

These are the most important ingredients that make this juice healthy:

  • vitamins in groups A, B and C,
  • folic acid,
  • flavonoids and carotenoids and a range of other detoxifying agents,
  • Amino acids,
  • minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and sodium,
  • fiber,
  • Water,
  • Carbohydrates,
  • Sugar.

Many of the ingredients in beetroot promote detoxification processes in the body. This also reduces the risk of heart and circulatory problems. This drink is also recommended for anyone with high blood pressure. The nitrates it contains are particularly helpful in this regard. Older people should generally drink more of it, especially if they tend to retain way too much water in their bodies. Most often this is due to problems with the heart and kidneys. Both are positively influenced by beetroot juice.

Don’t overdo it with the amounts right from the start

Drinking beetroot juice in glass with straw healthy drink prevents risk of cancer

Reduce the risk of cancer!

If you drink beetroot juice regularly, you would reduce the risk of cancer. With its properties, it can fight free radicals in the body. This also limits the spread of carcinogenic elements in the body. So by drinking such a juice regularly, you reduce the risk of cancer.

It is recommended to combine it with other fruits and vegetables

Prepare healthy juice at home Mix beetroot with apple and carrot juice

Your athletic performance will be promoted!

Beetroot juice increases the volume of the lungs. That is why many athletes drink it before various sports competitions. Scientific studies have found more than 15% improvement in such performances. If you are not a competitive athlete, you can also drink this juice. This gives you more energy to walk a little longer or otherwise keep moving and stay in good shape.

As a juice, beetroot is much healthier

Prepare beetroot juice with other healthy ingredients - lemon spinach carrot celery

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Improved digestion

Are you having trouble processing certain foods? Beetroot juice can be particularly helpful in this regard. You would no longer feel heaviness in your stomach. You could drink a little of it after a hearty meal or one that is too long. If someone has to stay in bed longer due to illness, drinking this healthy juice might also stimulate their appetite.

The beetroot is healthy for many diseases

Health from nature Cut beetroot into slices and place in juicer

Improved thyroid function

Beetroot juice is particularly healthy for women because it improves their thyroid puncture. Many health problems that are hormonal and age-related are linked to problematic thyroid function. This can be balanced by the ingredients in the beetroot.

Beetroot stands in the way of the aging processes

Not only your skin, but your entire body becomes younger through the regular consumption of beetroot juice. The work of the brain and the ability to concentrate is clearly strengthened.

Older people can improve their health in many ways

Prepare beetroot juice in a glass and drink small amounts

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cure anemia

Beetroot juice is a powerful source of folic acid and iron. Therefore, patients suffering from anemia feel much better when consuming these juices. In a less advanced stage, the problem could even be cured with it.

Beetroot juice for future parents

Beetroot juice improves overall health and also improves reproductive functions in the body. That is why it is a perfect product for future parents! Both for the men and for the women.

A plate full of beetroot – pure health

Health from nature Slice beets and consume healthy vegetables

Beetroot Juice Recipes and Dosages

After all, beetroot juice is a very powerful health remedy. Therefore, it must be consumed with caution, otherwise side effects will occur, which can be demotivating and even deterrent for some people. One might feel nauseous and weak. Therefore, you should initially drink this juice in small amounts, about 50 ml per day in combination with about 250 milliliters of carrots. Over time you can change the ratio and reach a balance of around 50/50.

Start with no more than 50 milliliters of juice per day

Drink a glass of beetroot juice daily with small doses starting at 50ml initially

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Make beetroot juice with carrots yourself

If you have a good juicer, you can make your own beetroot juice. Take a piece of beetroot, a celery, an apple and a carrot. Juice all ingredients and mix with a glass of water. You can also add a lemon if you wish. There should be a small amount of beetroot in the juice at the beginning. This could be increased over time.

Many healthy smoothies contain beets

Juice from fresh vegetables is a delicious drink and great taste


The consumption of beetroot juice is recommended for many specific health problems. But it also has a general positive effect on our well-being. Beetroot juice improves the immune system, rids our body of free radicals, slows down the growth of cancer cells and in some cases can even prevent them from forming. It will generally make you feel younger and more energetic.

We wish you good health and enjoyment

drink a freshly squeezed juice every day, because vegetable juices are very healthy

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