Dipladenia overwintering in the apartment?  – Here are our tips for this

Dipladenia overwintering in the apartment? – Here are our tips for this

The Dipladenia is a real exotic that brings a lot of color to the outdoor area. This beautiful garden plant is usually grown in a pot or bucket. With proper care, it shows its beautiful flowers from April to October and enchants young and old alike. The plant is originally from South America and is also known as Mandevilla or Sundaville. Many hobby gardeners think this is just an annual plant. Quite the opposite! If you overwinter the Dipladenia indoors, you can enjoy its exotic flowers for many years to come. Below we will tell you what you should take into account when staying in your apartment over the winter. Our care tips can be of use to you if you want to have a perennial exotic in your home! By the way, you can search our website for tips on pruning and propagating the exotic plant and also find information about long-flowering plants. The Freshideen editorial team wishes you a lot of fun reading!

Where should the Dipladenia overwinter so that it feels comfortable?

Dipladenia overwinter at home in a sunny but cool place

Before the first frost in late autumn, you need to bring the Mandevilla indoors.

Bring Mandevilla inside the house to overwinter

Create the right temperature conditions to overwinter the Dipladenia to be able to

The South American exotic likes it warm and sunny. In summer she feels comfortable outside at temperatures above 22-25 degrees C. Since the plant is not winter hardy, you have to bring it into winter quarters before the outside temperature drops below 8 degrees C. Caution! At low temperatures, the exotic animal can suffer cold damage, so you should bring it indoors in good time. Best before the first frost! Indoors, the thermometer must optimally show values ​​between 10 and 12 degrees C. At this temperature the Mandevilla enjoys its winter rest. It has bloomed for six months and now wants to gather new strength for the next summer season in cool temperatures. Therefore, pay attention to the temperature in the winter quarters. If it is too warm there, it can inhibit flower production next season. If your Mandevilla hibernates indoors, choose a room where the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees C.

The temperature conditions in the winter quarters are particularly important!

Where in the apartment can Dipladenia overwinter?

The beautiful exotic animal likes it warm and sunny in summer, but she needs peace and quiet in winter. Since the temperature conditions in the winter quarters play an important role in the flowering next spring, you really have to be careful. Do not place the potted plant in the living room because it is usually warm there. Temperatures around 20 degrees C are definitely not ideal for the plant in winter. At such temperatures, Dipladenia is expected to continue blooming throughout the winter. But then there is a risk that it will not bloom at all next year and will slowly die.

It should be neither sunny nor warm in winter quarters.

Dipladenia overwinter in cool temperatures

Otherwise the Mandevilla will continue to bloom!

Mandevilla overwinter indoors in a cool place

A well-heated living room is therefore not suitable as winter quarters. Then other rooms come into consideration, such as a cellar or a garage. Or maybe a somewhat cool stairwell? Only place the plant there if there is enough daylight in these rooms even in winter. Because even in the winter months, the Dipladenia should not lack brightness! The best winter quarters would then be a heated greenhouse. There the Mandevilla will definitely enjoy optimal conditions for overwintering and will feel really comfortable!

And next late spring, the beautiful plant will surprise you with new flowers!

If conditions are right, Dipladenia will overwinter new blooms in late spring

Further care tips for overwintering Dipladenia at a glance

  • Bring the Dipladenia to its winter quarters in good time

For most Dipladenias, moving to winter quarters is mandatory. Only one type of Mandevilla laxa, also known as Chilean jasmine, is hardy and can be left outside in the garden in the cold. All other Dipladenia species must be brought into winter quarters in good time, i.e. from mid-October. This should happen at the latest when the outside temperatures fall below 8 degrees C.

  • Water and fertilize Dipladenia in winter

Reduce watering, as the plant’s water needs are limited in the winter months. Only water when the soil in the container or pot is dry. There is no need to fertilize the plant in winter. It won’t need new nutrients until next spring, but not now in winter.

New flowers will not appear until next spring.

Dipladenia forms new flowers in spring overwintering

  • Cut back Mandevilla before winter?

No, you don’t need to do that! Only cut off bulky shoots at the beginning of October. A generous pruning is not due until February or March, depending on the floristry experts!

  • Put the Mandevilla out again

When freezing temperatures are no longer expected in late spring, you need to take your Dipladenia out of its winter quarters and bring it back outdoors. In most cases, this happens in mid-May, when the outside temperature does not fall below 8 degrees C, even at night. Also be patient, because the exotic animal must first adapt to the new conditions. Only then does it form new shoots and the new flowering period begins in June. You can encourage the plant to bloom with a potassium-rich fertilizer!

If wintered correctly, the Mandevilla feels comfortable even in winter!

Dipladenia overwinter to show beautiful flowers

Next year the plant will thank you for your care…

A garden plant typical of the Mediterranean region

… and shows off its beautiful flowers outside for months!

Beautiful flowers outside after proper overwintering






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