classic and individual rituals for the free wedding ceremony

classic and individual rituals for the free wedding ceremony

Rituals are a beautiful and tangible reminder of the wedding ceremony. They are there to let loved or important things flow into the ceremony and to let his guests participate. We have at the wedding speakers Yvonne Lukowski, Original Karo – wedding speaker & team and Yvonne from Be Bride asked which wedding rituals there are and what is behind them.

Original check provides the appropriate comparison: Wedding rituals at a wedding ceremony are like the accessories for a perfect outfit – of course you can also do without them, but they complete the overall concept away. So why not tie a knot when you’re going to be away all the time anyway covenant of life speaks, or equip a suitcase, if your wedding decoration already perfectly matched to your favorite hobby?

Whether funky or subtle is of course a matter of taste. However, the marriage ritual should never in the foreground of the ceremony stand. It is just a design element that is subordinate to your story and only serves to stage it better. Yvonne from Be Bride I especially like the idea connect something symbolically. It always depends on the story of the bride and groom.

to saveRituals Wedding Ceremony

Wedding speaker Yvonne Lukowski. Photo: Merve & Nils Photography

2. Classic wedding rituals

practices like that Lighting the wedding candle, the sand ritual and the ring ritual are among the classics of wedding rituals and are still popular with bridal couples today. They all symbolize that connection of life – two separate lives become one together. Yvonne Lukowski knows that these classic rituals can also be personalized depending on the interpretation and implementation and thus gain in importance. Here are some examples:

Yvonne von Be Bride explained: Here the wedding rings are pulled onto a band, which is stretched from back to front through the rows. They walk over this band rings through the hands of the guests, who should “load” them with good wishes. Yvonne Lukowski: This ritual can be wonderfully combined with the couple’s hobby if you use a climbing rope or a sailing rope instead of a cord.

  • Light wedding candle:

Yvonne Lukowski White, the wedding candle is not just a wax structure that you light, but it should togetherness and love represent what one desires in marriage. This candle is lit by people who are important to the couple – for me it is often the mothers. Because it is the mums who embody the warmth and security in a family. There are very nice texts about the candle that explain the symbolism and make it much more than just a candle.

In this ritual, the bride and groom each have a jar full of sand, which they pour into a third jar to symbolize their bond. To make it clearer, the sand can have different colors. Also the children or other family members can be included in this ritual. Yvonne Lukowski explains that the ritual becomes especially important when the sand comes from the beach of the hometown that you left for love or that is now your new home together. Because tohome is where the heart lives. A common preference is being able to cook or garden spices instead of sand be used.

to saveRituals Wedding Ceremony

Photo: Ricardo Meira

Yvonne von Be Bride reveals how it works: be here little notes with good wishes given by the guests, as well as personal lines of the bridal couple and together with fresh herbs set on fire. Wishes then rise into the sky as smoke to be fulfilled while the fresh herbs create a pleasant scent that will remind you of that special moment over and over again.

The elements of fire, water, earth and air can be represented using appropriate texts and objects. The wedding candle can stand for the fire or you can burn herbs or similar, the air can be represented with feathers. There are many ways to integrate family members or important peopleso explained Yvonne Lukowski.

3. Individual wedding rituals

However, our wedding speakers agree that the most beautiful wedding rituals are those in which a personal note of the bride and groom – be it a shared hobby, a preference, a personal experience, etc. This is how it becomes a whole individual and creative ritual and is becoming even more important.

Original check know, that a good wedding speaker to you always stand by in an advisory capacity or, best of all, take it completely out of your hands. Create something of your ownwithout having to select exclusively from assigned standards.

Yvonne Lukowski: of fantasy no limits set and every year we come up with more fantastic rituals that make the free wedding ceremony even more individual. Here are a few of their examples:

  • the common passion of the couple is Star Trek? Then the guests are allowed to do the Vulcan salute together, hear quotes from the films and symbolically put their wishes into a piece of a model spaceship.
  • There should be two families, two cultures and two groups of friends symbolically connected will? Then have your guests tie a short piece of ribbon to the left and right neighbors so that you end up with a long ribbon that you can use to do this handfasting can perform. It’s a Celtic tradition where the Couple’s hands tied with a ribbon become, so that it lasts forever.
  • If the couple met while skiing or boating, wooden skis or boat paddles can be bought from the Guests labeled with a wish will.
  • The newlyweds love to travel? Then bring each guest with a travel tip – his favorite restaurant on Kos, the best bar in New York, the street food shop in Bangkok. These special tips come in an old suitcase.

Original check concludes with the following words: Any form of symbolic action can represent your togetherness. Sand doesn’t always have to be thrown together for this. In principle, everything works you connects with each other and then holds it together: locks something with a key, glues something together or mixes a certain recipe that can also be found in the course of your wedding. Here, too, everything is conceivable and should be Underline your own story. Rituals are neither kitschy nor flashy, but should suit you. she round off your free wedding ceremony in a creative way and ensures a wow moment that you and your guests will never forget.






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